Dr Claude Vishnu Spaak
Meet our Research Faculty
Dr Claude Vishnu Spaak
Assistant Professor, Head of Department
Philosophy and Sociology Department, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
ORCID Number: 0000-0003-2047-8557
At Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi: Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi Research Institute.
Other: Associate Member of the Husserl Archives of Paris (CNRS, UMR 8547).
Other: Associate Member of the Research Center 3552, at the University of Paris-Sorbonne.
Other: Associate member of the “Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa” (CFUL), University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Philosophy
- Contemporary Philosophy (Phenomenology), Metaphysics, Philosophical Anthropology
- Philosophy of Nature, Phenomenological Cosmology, Philosophical Anthropology, Husserl, Heidegger, Fink, Patočka, Levinas, Kant and Neo-Kantianism, Schelling, Nietzsche
- Interprétations phénoménologiques de la Physique d’Aristote chez Heidegger et Patočka (“Phenomenological interpretations of Aristotle’s Physics in Heidegger and Patočka”), The Hague, Springer (coll. Phaenomenologica), 2017, 360 p.
- Matière et mouvement. Essai de cosmologie phénoménologique (“Matter and movement. An essay in phenomenological cosmology”), Paris, Hermann (coll. Le bel Aujourd’hui), 2017, 152 pages.
- الحجاج والمجتمع: من أجل حوار بنّاء وخطاب بلا عنف (“Argumentation and Society: for a constructive dialogue and a communication without violence”), S. Abbas and C. V. Spaak (ed.), Amman, Dar Kunouz Al-Marefa, 2021, 208 pages
- Le sport, perspectives philosophiques (with L. Pérat and P.-J. Renaudie), Paris, Studyrama, 2012, 256 pages. This book was designed as study material (philosophical, sociological, methodological) for students preparing the competitive examination for admission at the French “Institut d’études politiques de Paris” (“Sciences Po”). “Sport” as the selected thematic notion for 2012
- Tolérance : perspectives phénoménologiques, (“Tolerance : Phenomenological perspectives”), ed. by C. V. Spaak, in Les études philosophiques, two thematic releases : 2022/4 (143) and 2023/1 (144), 230 pages
- Phénoménologies de la matière (“Phenomenological approaches of matter”), ed. by C. V. Spaak and P.-J. Renaudie, Paris, CNRS éditions, 2021 (with key contributions from F. Dastur, G. Jean, J.-.F Lavigne, D. Pradelle), 360 pages
- Patočka, ed. by C. V. Spaak and N. Frogneux, in Alter, revue de phénoménologie, 2019, n° 27, thematic release (with key contributions from R. Barbaras, J.-C. Gens, P. Montebello)
- Eugen Fink. Du spectateur désintéressé au règne du monde (“Eugen Fink. From the disinterested spectator to the rule of the world”), ed. by C. V. Spaak and O. Stanciu, Revue philosophique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Peeters, 2016, 114 (4), 179 pages (with key contributions from F. Dastur and N. Depraz)
- Patočka, lecteur d’Aristote. Phénoménologie, ontologie, cosmologie (“Patočka, reader of Aristotle. Phenomenology, ontology, cosmology”), ed. by C. V. Spaak and O. Stanciu, Argenteuil, Le cercle herméneutique, 2015, 294 pages (with key contributions from R. Barbaras, F. Karfik, P. Rodrigo)
- « L’être comme apparaître et le problème du mal. Interprétations phénoménologiques de Schelling chez Heidegger » (« Being as appearance, and the problem of evil. Phenomenological interpretations of Schelling in Heidegger »), in L’histoire de la phénoménologie à travers ses conflits, éd. S. Camilleri, D. Lories, A. Jdey, La Haye, Springer (coll. Phaenomenologica), forthcoming in 2024 (25 pages).
- “Artificial Intelligence: the frame problem and its transcendental solution”, in Philosophy House Journal, 10th Issue, 2024, forthcoming.
- « From the Origins of the World to Mankind: Reflections on Patočka’s Philosophy of History », dans Finitude and meaning. Essays on Paul Ricoeur’ and Jan Patočka’s views on history, éd. Par P. Marinescu & O. Stanciu, Bucarest, Zeta Books, forthcoming 2024 (25 pages).
- “The situation of philosophy in the contemporary changing world”, in Philosophy House Journal, 5th Issue, 2023, p. 22-30.
- « Conscience, être, monde. Réflexions sur les implications métaphysiques de la phénoménologie » (« Consciousness, Being, World. Remarks on the metaphysical implications of phenomenology »), in La phénoménologie transcendantale aujourd’hui. Autour du Clignotement de l’être d’Alexandre Schnell, ed by P. Slama and I. Fazakas, Paris, Hermann (coll. Rue de la Sorbonne), 2023 p. 257-285.
- « Décrire l’indescriptible : le problème de l’en-soi chez Sartre et les ressources littéraires de la phénoménologie » (« Describing the undescribable. The problem of the en-soi in Sartre and the literary resources of phenomenology »), in Entre Mundos, I. Borges-Duarte (ed.), Lisbonne, Colibri, 2022, p. 843-859; also published in the thematic release « Entre philosophie et littérature : la phénoménologie ? », in L’empreinte philosophique, volume 31, Louvain-la-Neuve, PUL, 2024, p. 123-134.
- “Heidegger et l’événement de la difference ontologique” (“Heidegger and the event of the ontological difference”), in Heidegger aujourd’hui. Actualité et postérité de la pensée de l’Ereignis, ed. by S.-J. Arrien and C. Sommer, Paris, Hermann (coll. Rue de la Sorbonne), 2021, p. 429-451.
- “Matière et corrélation. Le statut de la réalité matérielle dans la physique contemporaine chez Heidegger et Heisenberg” (“Matter and correlation. The status of material reality in contemporary physics according to Heidegger and Heisenberg”), in Phénoménologies de la matière, ed. by C. V. Spaak & P.-J. Renaudie, Paris, éditions du CNRS, 2021, p. 89-109.
- “Phénoménologie et dépassement de la finitude” “Phenomenology and the overcoming of finitude”, in Le paradoxe de la finitude (The paradox of finitude), ed. by A. Feneuil, A. Longo & B. Trentini, Paris, Mimésis, 2019, p. 109-128
- “Interprétations phénoménologiques du tragique (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas)” (“Phenomenological interpretations of the tragic [Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas])”, in Nietzsche et la phénoménologie”, éd. By C. Bertot and J. Leclerq, Paris, Classic Garnier, 2019, p. 233-259
- “Le mouvement comme a priori materiel absolu de la phénoménologie (Husserl, Heidegger, Patočka)” (“Movement as an absolute material a priori for phenomenology [Husserl, Heidegger, Patočka]), in Ens mobile, ed. by S. Camilleri and J.-S. Hardy, Louvain-la-Neuve, Peeters (coll. Bibliothèque philosophique de Louvain), 2018, p. 61-89
- “Aux limites du monde: le fond obscur entre proto-structure et chaos materiel” (“Searching the World’s Limits: the Dark Ground between Proto-Structure and material Chaos”), in Patočka, lecteur d’Aristote. Phénoménologie, ontologie, cosmologie, ed. by C. V. Spaak and O. Stanciu, Argenteuil, Le cercle herméneutique, 2015, p. 159-195
- “Philosophie et histoire de l’être chez Heidegger” (“Philosophy and History of Being in Heidegger’s Thinking”), in La philosophie et le sens de son histoire. Études d’histoire de la philosophie autour de Jean-François Marquet et Jean-Luc Marion, ed. by P. Cerutti, Bucarest, Zeta Books, 2013, p. 132-157
- “Heidegger et Patočka: deux herméneutiques phénoménologiques de la théorie aristotélicienne du mouvement” (“Heidegger and Patočka: two phenomenological Hermeneutics of Aristotle’s Theory of Movement”), in Jan Patočka, liberté, existence et monde commun, ed. by N. Frogneux, Argenteuil, Le cercle herméneutique Éditeur, 2012, p. 195-211
- « L’irréductibilité de la question et le destin ontologique de la phénoménologie » (« The irreducibility of questionning and the ontological becoming of phenomenology »), Bulletin d’analyse phénoménologique, XX, 1, 2024, p. 68-98 (accessible at https://popups.uliege.be/1782-2041/index.php?id=1492)
- « Transcendance du visage et liberté du sujet. Éthique et politique phénoménologiques de la tolérance (Sartre, Levinas, Heidegger) » (« The transcendence of the face of the other and the freedom of the subject. Phenomenological ethics and politics of tolerance [Sartre, Levinas, Heidegger]) », Les études philosophiques, 2023/1 (144), p. 71-94.
- Introduction au dossier « Tolérance : perspectives phénoménologiques » (« Introduction to the collective release ‘Tolerance : Phenomenological perspectives’ »), Les études philosophiques, 2022/4 (143) and 2023/1 (144), p. 3-6 and p. 3-7
- “De l’existence à l’histoire de l’être. Raison et liberté chez Heidegger” (“From existence to the history of Being. Reason and freedom in Heidegger”), Bulletin d’analyse phénoménologique, 2020 (16/2), p. 19-41
- “Monde et historicité (Patočka, Bergson, Scheler)” (“World and historicity [Patočka, Begson, Scheler]”), Alter, revue de phénoménologie, 2019, n° 27, p. 101-121
- Introduction to the thematic release « Patočka », Alter, revue de phénoménologie, 2019, n° 27, p. 7-13
- “Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle’s Physics in the works of Heidegger and Patočka”, Kronos Philosophical Journal, 2019 (VIII), p. 197-209
- “Du soin de l’âme à la matérialité du monde. Le platonisme de Patočka” “From the caring soul to the world’s materiality. Patočka’s Platonism”, Philosophie, 2019 (141), p. 92-111
- “Vers une philosophie phénoménologique de la nature (Schelling, Heidegger, Patočka)”, Alter (revue de phénoménologie), 2018 (26), p. 65-83
- “Le transcendental et l’époqual. Vérité et historicité chez Heidegger” (“Transcendentality and epoquality. Truth and historicity in Heidegger”), Phainomenon, revista de fenomenologia, Lisboa, Centro de filosofia da universidade de Lisboa, 2018 (27), p. 99-127
- “L’éclaircie et le fond: la confrontation héraclitéenne entre Fink et Heidegger (remarques pour une cosmologie phénoménologique)” (“The clearing and the ground: the heraclitean confrontation between Fink and Heidegger [remarks for a phenomenological cosmology]”), Revue philosophique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Peeters Publishers, 2016, 114 (4), p. 683-723
- “La phénoménalisation de la transcendence” (“The phenomenalisation of transcendence”), Revue philosophique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Peeters Publishers, vol. 114 (2), 2016, p. 377-388
- “L’être de l’homme à travers limites et finitude: Foucault et la critique de l’ontologie heideggérienne” (“The Being of Man between Limits and Finitude: Foucault and the Critique of Heideggerian Ontology”), Philosophie, Paris, éditions de Minuit, 2014 (n° 123), p. 28-58
- “Le problème phénoménologique de l’expérience passive (Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas)” (“The phenomenological Problem of passive Experience [Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas]”), Revue philosophique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Peeters Publishers, vol. 111 (4), 2013, p. 693-721
- “Les instruments de l’originaire: le rapport entre la forme et la matière chez Heidegger” (“The Instruments for thinking the Origins: the Relation between Form and Matter in Heidegger”), Klêsis, online journal, 2013, n° 25, p. 176-201. URL
- Klesis (online philosophical journal): URL. Coeditor with Patrick Ducray and Christophe Miqueu (2015-2018)
- Klesis (online philosophical journal): URL. Scientific coordinator (since 2018)
- A. J. Mitchell and P. Trawny (ed.), Heidegger’s Black Notebooks. Responses to Anti-Semitism, New York, Columbia University Press, 2017, 280 p.; reviewed by C. V. Spaak in S. Camilleri & C. Perrin (ed.), Bulletin heideggérien, 2018 (n° 8), p. 117-123
- D. F. Krell, Ecstasy, Catastrophe. Heidegger from Being and Time to the Black Notebooks, Albany, State University of New York Press, 2015, 201 p. ; reviewed by C. V. Spaak in S. Camilleri & C. Perrin (ed.), Bulletin heideggérien, 2016 (n° 6), p. 156-170
- E. Faye (ed.), Heidegger, le sol, la communauté, la race, Paris, Beauschene (coll. “Le grenier à sel”), 2014, 380 p. ; reviewed by C. V. Spaak in S. Camilleri & C. Perrin (ed.), Bulletin heideggérien, 2015 (n° 5), p. 142-154
- A. Steinbock, Moral Emotions. Reclaiming the Evidence of the Heart, Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 2014; English translation of Chapter 3 (“Guilt”, p. 100-137) by C. V. Spaak, in A. Steinbock, Les émotions morales. Reconquérir l’évidence du coeur, trans. S. Camilleri, P. Lorelle, F. Moinat, P.-J. Renaudie, C. V. Spaak, Paris, Mimesis, forthcoming 2024.
- D. Pradelle, « On Husserl’s Concept of the Pre-predicative : Genealogy of Logic and Regressive Method », English translation by C. V. Spaak (« Sur le concept husserlien de l’antéprédicatif : généalogie de la logique et méthode régressive »), in C. Engelland (éd.), Language and Phenomenology, Routledge, 2020, p. 56-74
- D. Lohmar, “Éléments pour une fondation phénoménologique des mathématiques (selon Husserl)”, French translation by C. V. Spaak (“Elemente einer phänomenologischen Grundlegung der Mathematik [nach Husserl]”), Paris, Hermann, 2019, p. 127-145
- H. Bergson, “French philosophy. Summary Table for the San Francisco Exhibition”, translated from French (“La philosophie française. Tableau récapitulatif destiné à l’exposition de San Francisco”) in Philosophical Inquiries, online journal, vol. 2(1), 2014, p. 199-214. Web link: URL
- “Entretien avec J.-.F Courtine” (questions translated from English into French), in Nouvelle phénoménologie en France, ed. by C. Sommer, Paris, Hermann, 2014, p. 235-265
- 2024 (4th-5th March): “Universality, Traditionality and Historicity. An intercultural approach to integral humanism in the works of Maritain and Upadhyaya”. Paper presentation at an international conference (Integral Humanism. Perspectives on Jacques Maritain and Deendayal Upadhyaya), at the Benares Hindu University, in Varanasi, India. Organization: India Foundation and Benares Hindu University.
- 2023 (15th December): « L’intelligence artificielle : le problème du cadre et sa solution transcendantale » (« Artificial intelligence, the frame problem and its transcendental soclution »). Paper presentation at a roundtable at an online research seminar (« Séminaire de phénoménologie transcendantale »), organized by the University of Wuppertal. Organization : P. Slama and I. Fazakas.
- 2023 (18th-20th October): “Appearing as conflictuality and the malignity of Being. The phenomenological interpretation of Schelling by Heidegger" (« L'apparaître comme conflit et la malignité de l'être. L'interprétation phénoménologique de Schelling par Heidegger"). Paper presentation at an international conference ("L'histoire de la phénoménologie à travers ses conflits"), organized by UC Louvain. Organization: Sylvain Camilleri and Daniele Lories.
- 2023 (24th March) : Presentation at the seminar « Actualité de la recherche phénoménologique », at the Archives Husserl (ENS, Paris). Organization : J. Farges, D. Pradelle, L. Perreau. Presentation, with P.-J. Renaudie, of the colloective work Phénoménlogies de la matière, P.-J. Renaudie et C. V. Spaak (dir.), Paris, CNRS éditions, 2021.
- 2022 (16th-20th November): “The situation of philosophy in the contemporary changing world”. Paper presentation at an international conference (« Philosophy House conference ») organized by the Philosophy House at Fujairah, under the patronage of the crown prince of Fujairah.
- 2022 (24th June) : « Le transcendantal à l’épreuve de la matière » (« The transcendental in the face of matter »). Paper presentation at an online research seminar (« Séminaire de phénoménologie transcendantale »), organized by the University of Namur, the University of Wuppertal and Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi. Organization : P. Slama, I. Fazakas, C. V. Spaak.
- 2022 (19th mai) : Participation at the Horasis Global meeting (en ligne). Paper presentation at a panel on « Political ethics in a new age » (accessible on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7WfuPnqgZE)
- 2022 (13th-14th May) : « L’irréductibilité de la question et le destin ontologique de la phénoménologie » (« The irreducibility of questions and the ontological becoming of phenomenology »). Paper presentation at an online conference (« Phénoménologie de la question »), organized by the University of Namur and the University of Freiburg. Organization : P. Slama and F. Fraisopi.
- 2022 (14th April) : « Séparation et communauté. Le problème de la conversation pour une phénoménologie de la relation intersubjective » (« Separation and Community. The problem of conversation for a phenomenological account of the intersubjective relation”). Paper presentation at an academic workshop (« L’éthique humaniste de la conversation »), organized by the Créteil Academy at lycée Lucie Aubrac à Pantin. Organization : F. Lelong.
- 2021 (20th-21st November) : « Appartenance, endurance, accueil. Une phénoménologie de la tolérance est-elle possible ? » (« Belongingness, endurance, welcoming. Is a phenomenology of tolerance possible ? »). Paper presentation at an international conference (« Ethique et tolérance : perspectives phénoménologiques sur l’autre »), at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi. Organization : C. V. Spaak.
- 2021 (31st August – 2nd September) : « L’être comme apparaître et le problème du mal. Interprétations phénoménologiques de Schelling chez Heidegger » (« Being as appearing and the problem of evil. Phenomenological interpretations of Schelling in Heidegger”). Paper presentation at an international conference (« Schelling und die Phänomenologie ») at the University of Wuppertal. Organization: A. Schnell and S. Gourdain.
- 2021 (17th – 18th June) : « La phénoménologie générative, la finitude et la tâche de l’absolu » (« Generative phenomenology, finitude and the task of the absolute »). Paper presentation at an online international conference (« La phénoménologie transcendantale aujourd’hui. Autour du Clignotement de l’être d’Alexandre Schnell), organized by the Université de Namur. Organization : A. Delvaux et P. Slama.
- 2019 (7th December): “L’irréductibilité de la chair (Heidegger, Patočka)” (The irreducibility of the flesh [Heidegger, Patočka]). Paper presentation at the French yearly Seminar of Daseinanalyse, at the Husserl Archives of Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure.
- 2018 (7th-8th June): “Nature et technique. Le statut de l’étant dans la physique contemporaine chez Heidegger et Heisenberg” (“Nature and technology. The status of entities in contemporary physics viewed by Heisenberg and Heidegger”). Paper presentation at an international conference (“Physique et métaphysique dans la pensée allemande de Leibniz à Heidegger), at the University Paris-Sorbonne (Paris 4). Keynote speakers: E. Klein, D. Pradelle
- 2018 (2nd- 3rd May): “Phénoménologie et dépassement de la finitude” (“Phenomenology and the overcoming of finitude”). Paper presentation at a conference (“Le paradoxe de la finitude: representations, conditions, dépassements”), at the University of Metz and at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Keynote speakers: L. Husson, P. Cassou-Noguès, G. Longo
- 2018 (24th-28th April): “De l’existence à l’histoire de l’être. Raison et liberté chez Heidegger” (“From existence to the history of Being. Reason and freedom in Heidegger). Paper presentation at the 12th annual seminar of the research unit “Phénoménologies” at the University of Liège, Beligium (annual theme: “Les experiences de la raison et de la liberté”). Keynote speakers: B. Leclercq, C. Romano, D. Seron
- 2018 (26th-31st March): “Imagination et perception en phénoménologie (Husserl, Sartre)” (“Imagination and perception in phenomenology (Husserl, Sartre”). Paper presentation at an international conference (37th edition of the ASPLF: “Association des sociétés philosophiques de langue française), at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- 2018 (18th January): “Matter and movement”. Lecture at the permanent research seminar of the Center for Philosophy at the University of Lisbon (CFUL), Portugal
- 2017 (11th-12th December): Keynote speaker and respondent at a workshop (“The reach of phenomena/ La portée des phénomènes”) at the University Charles de Gaulle (Lille 3). “Matter and movement”. Other keynote speakers: P. Alves, C. Majolino, E. Trizio
- 2017 (16th-18th October): “Heidegger and Heisenberg on nature and technology in contemporary physics”. Paper presentation at an international conference (“What is a physical entity?”), at the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Organisation: P. Alves, J. Croca, R. Moreira
- 2017 (2nd-3rd October): “L’irréductibilité de la chair (Heidegger, Patočka)” (“The irreducibility of the flesh [Heidegger, Patočka]”. Paper presentation at an international conference (“Vie, corps et image. À partir de Hans Jonas”) at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Organisation: N. Frogneux and R. Franzini. Keynote speaker: P. Montebello
- 2017 (28th-29th September): Keynote speaker and session chair at an international workshop (“Exploring Ludwig Landgrebe’s contribution to phenomenology”) at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Organisation: S. Camilleri. Keynote speakers: K. Novotny, D. Seron
- 2017 (19th-23rd September): “Heidegger et l’événement de la différence ontologique” (“Heidegger and the event of the ontological difference”). Paper presentation at an international conference (“Heidegger aujourd’hui. Actualité et postérité de la pensée de l’Ereignis”), at the Université Laval, Québec (Canada). Organisation: C. Sommer and S.-J. Arrien. Keynote speakers: J. Barash, R. Bernasconi, E. Cattin, J. Grondin J.-C. Monod, D. Pradelle
- 2017 (14th June): “The phenomenological problem of matter”. Lecture at the permanent research seminar of the Husserl Archives at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
- 2017 (17th March): “La physis et les limites de la phénoménologie (Heidegger, Patočka)” (Physis and the limits of phenomenology (Heidegger, Patočka)”. Paper presentation at a conference organised by J.-C. Gens and G. Jean at the Husserl Archives (Paris), with the support of the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Keynote speakers: A. Devarieux, J.-C. Gens
- 2017 (16th-17th March): “La matérialité du monde. Patočka et le Timée de Platon” (“The materiality of the world. Patočka and Plato’s Timaeus”). Paper presentation at an international conference (“Phénoménologie, platonisme et philosophie grecque”), at the Husserl Archives of Paris. Organisation: D. Pradelle. Keynote speakers: E. Cattin, D. Franck, D. Pradelle
- 2016 (15th-16th December): “Le mouvement comme structure du phénomène et le problème de l’a priori” (“Movement as the structure of the phenomenon and the problem of the a priori”). Paper presentation at an international seminar (“Fenomeno : Cartografia de un Conceito Fundamental”), at the Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa (Linha de pensamento fenomenologico), Portugal. Keynote speakers: Claudio Majolino, Pedro Alves
- 2016 (12th-14th December): “Phenomenological interpretations of Aristotle’s Physics in the works of Heidegger and Patočka”. Paper presentation at an international conference (“Aristotle and Phenomenology: Departures and Returns”) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Keynote speakers: R. Bernet, N. De Warren, C. Majolino,
- 2016 (13th-14th September): “Décrire l’indescriptible: le problème de l’en soi chez Sartre et les ressources littéraires de la phénoménologie” (“Describing the indescribable: the problem of the in en soi in Sartre and the resources of literature for phenomenology”). Paper presentation at an international conference (“Entre la Filosofiay la literature: la fenomenologia?”) in Lima (Peru) at the Universidad del Pacifico and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Keynote speakers: P. Audi, R. Kearney, J. Leclercq, C. Romano
- 2016 (01st-3rd June): “Le transcendental et l’époqual. Vérité et historicité chez Heidegger” (“The transcendental and the epochal. Truth and historicity in Heidegger”). Paper presentation at an international conference (“Phénoménologie et historicité”) at the Husserl Archives of Paris, the University of Paris-Sorbonne (with the support of the Marie Curie Actions). Organisation: D. Pradelle and R. Terzi. Key note speakers: B. Bégout, A. Dewalque, D. Franck, D. Pradelle, J. Revel, C. Sommer
- 2016 (18th-20th April): “From solicitude to authenticity: the framing of a phenomenological ethics of care in Heidegger’s Being and Time”. Paper presentation at an international conference (V. Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Fenomenologia) at the Universidade do Minho, Braga (Portugal). Theme of the year’s symposium: “Intencionalidadee cuidado. Herança e repercussao da fenomenologia”
- 2016 (16th-18th March): “Interprétations phénoménologiques du tragique (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas)” (“Phenomenological interpretations of the tragic [Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas]”. Paper presentation at an international conference (“Nietzsche et la phénoménologie”) at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Organisation: Fonds Michel Henry. Key note speakers: P. Wotling, B. Babiche, J. Leclercq
- 2016 (22nd February): “Le franchissement des limites: le problème de l’utopie chez Foucault” (“The crossing of limits: the problem of utopia in Foucault”). Paper presentation at an international conference (“Corporéité et utopie de Bloch à Foucault”) at the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Organisation: Mylène Botbol-Baum (Europé Center). Key note speaker: J. Siebers
- 2016 (8th February): “Le mouvement comme a priori matériel fondamental de la phénoménologie (Husserl, Heidegger, Patočka)” (“Movement as a fundamental material a priori of phenomenology [Husserl, Heidegger, Patočka]”). Paper presentation at an international conference (“Conceptions phénoménologiques du mouvement”) at the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Université Catholique de Louvain. Organisation: Centre d’études phénoménologiques (CEP)
- 2016 (4th January): “Le problème phénoménologique de la matière” (“the phenomenological problem of matter”). Lecture at the permanent research seminar of Europé, at the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
- 2015 (29th October): “La phénoménalisation de la transcendence” (“The phenomenalisation of transcendence”). Paper presentation at a conference (“Phénomène, transcendance et intotalisable”) at the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Organised by the Philosophy department for the Mercier Prize2015
- 2015 (6th June): “The impact of the phenomenon of matter on Husserl's phenomenology: material a priori, sensation, primal impression, arche-hylè” Lecture at the permanent research seminar in phenomenology at the University of Evora (Portugal), LabCom, directed by Prof. I. Borgès-Duarte
- 2015 (2nd-3rd March): “Husserlian intentionality confronted with the test of matter: sensation, primal impression, arche-hylè”. Paper presentation at the Multicentered Phenomenology Workshop at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), hosted by the Husserl Archives. Organisation: N. De Warren. Key note speakers: J. Jansen, D. Zahavi
- 2015 (16th-17th January): Respondent to the presentation of Gregory Fried (Suffolk University: “Towards a polemical ethics : working a way out from Heidegger”), at an international conference (“The Anglo-American reception of the thought of Martin Heidegger”) at the University of Chicago
- 2014 (12th December): “Autour de la lettre à Richardson” (“Remarks on Heidegger’s letter to Richardson). Lecture at a seminar (“Heidegger in the USA. La réception anglo-saxonne de la pensée de Martin Heidegger”) at the Archives Husserl of Paris (UMR 8547), École Normale Supérieure (rue d’Ulm). Organisation: P. D’Oriano (La Sapienza, Rome)
- 2014 (2nd July): Keynote speaker and session chair at an international conference (“The concepts of Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology”), organised by P.-J. Renaudie at the University of Paris-Sorbonne and the Husserl Archives of Paris by the CEPCAF (Centre d’études de la philosophie classique allemande et de sa postérité)
- 2011 (14th May): “Philosophie et histoire de l’être chez Heidegger” (“Philosophy and History of Being in Heidegger’s Thinking”). Paper presentation at a conference (“Philosophie et histoire de la philosophie”) at the University of Paris- Sorbonne, Research unit EA 3552. Organisation: P. Cerutti. Key note speaker: J.-F. Marquet
- 2021 (20th and 21th November): Ethics of Tolerance: Phenomenological Perspectives. Organization of an international conference at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi and Dubai Expo 2020, cofunded by the ADEK AYIA2019 Award funding (30 000 AED), Sorbonne Abu Dhabi’s research funds (60 000 AED), the Institut Français aux Emirats Arabes Unis (8000 AED), with the academic partnership of the United Arab Emirates University.
- 2021-2022: “Seminar of transcendental phenomenology”. Online monthly seminar. Organization: C. V. Spaak (Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi), P. Slama (University of Namur), I. Fazákas (University of Wuppertal). Keynote speakers: I. Fazákas, P. Lorelle, A. Schnell, P. Slama, C. V. Spaak, O. Stanciu, L. Villevieille.
- 2018 (January-December): “Research group in phenomenology, research seminar”. Organisation and presentation of a monthly seminar at the philosophy department of the University of Lisbon (CFUL), under the direction of P. Alves. Research theme: group reading and commentary of Husserl’s 1927 course, Natur und Geist.
- 2016 (17th-18th October): “Monde et individuation. Autour de Jan Patočka” (“World and individuation. Around the works of Jan Patočka and beyond”). Organisation and paper presentation at a two days international conference in the field of phenomenological cosmology. Organisation: C. V. Spaak and N. Frogneux, at the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Europé center, funded by the FNRS. Keynote speakers: R. Barbaras, N. Frogneux, J.-C. Gens, P. Montebello. URL. Title of my paper: “Monde et historicité” (“World and historicity”). Fund raising of 3500 euros with the FNRS (Belgium).
- 2015 (January-July): “Eugen Fink: Du spectateur désintéressé au règne du monde” (“Eugen Fink: From the disinterested spectator to the rule of the world”). Organisation and paper presentation at a monthly seminar at the Archives Husserl (UMR 8547), École Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris). Organisation: C. V. Spaak and O. Stanciu, under supervision of D. Pradelle (director of the Archives). URL. Keynote speakers: F. Dastur, R. Bruzina, N. Depraz. Title of my paper (19th June 2015): “L’éclaircie et le fond: la confrontation héraclitéenne entre Fink et Heidegger” (“The clearing and the ground: the Heraclitean confrontation between Fink and Heidegger”).
- 2013-2014: “Approches phénoménologiques de la matière” (“Phenomenological approaches of matter”). Organisation and paper presentation at a monthly seminar at the Archives Husserl (UMR 8547), École Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris). Organisation: C. V. Spaak and P.-J. Renaudie (University of Porto), under supervision of J. Benoist, former director of the Paris Husserl Archives, and D. Pradelle, current director of the Archives. Web link: URL. Keynote speakers: D. Pradelle, J.-F. Lavigne, B. Bégout, J.-F. Courtine. Title of my paper (15th January 2014): “Data hylétiques et moments médiateurs de l’objet : la critique patočkienne de la phénoménologie husserlienne de la matière” (Hyletic data and mediatory phases of the object: Patočka’s critique of Husserl’s phenomenology of matter”).
- 2013 (28th September): “Foucault, la question de l’être, l’ontologie” (“Foucault, the Question of Being, Ontology). Organisation and paper presentation at an international conference at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Research unit EA 3552 (“Métaphysique, histoires, transformations, actualité”). Organisation: C. V. Spaak, J. Rogove, M. Pellegrini. Keynote speakers: P. Sabot and J. Revel. Title of my paper: “L'être de l'homme à travers limites et finitude: Foucault et la critique de l'ontologie heideggérienne” (“The Being of Man between Limits and Finitude: Foucault and the Critique of Heideggerian Ontology”). Fund raising of 1000 euros with the University of Paris Sorbonne.
- 2013 (23rd-24th May): “Patočka, lecteur d’Aristote: phénoménologie, ontologie, cosmologie” (“Patočka, a reader of Aristotle: phenomenology, ontology, cosmology). Organisation and paper presentation at a two days international conference hosted by the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Organisation: C. V. Spaak and O. Stanciu, with the support of R. Barbaras and the “Institut Universitaire de France” (IUF). Keynote speakers: E. Abrams, R. Barbaras, P. Rodrigo, F. Karfik. Title of my paper: “Aux limites du monde: le fond obscur entre proto-structure et chaos materiel” (“Searching the World’s Limits: the Dark Ground between Proto-Structure and material Chaos”). Fund raising of 3000 euros with the Institut Universitaire de France.
- May 2013 (24th May): “La connaissance de la conscience” (“The Knowledge of Consciousness”). Organisation of a conference at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. Organisation as member of Philo’Doctes (PhD student organisation at the Philosophy Department of the University of Paris-Sorbonne). Keynote speakers: A. Billon and N. De Warren. URL. Proceedings released in the journal “R.é.Ph.A” (special issue, summer 2014).
- 2012 (25th May): “L’expérience” (“Experience”). Organisation and paper presentation at a one day conference hosted by the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Research unit EA 3552. Organisation: C. V. Spaak, P. Lorelle, J. Rogove. Keynote speaker: C. Romano. Title of my paper: “Le problème phénoménologique de l’expérience passive” (“The phenomenological Problem of passive Experience”). Web link: URL.
- 2011-2015: Vice-president, and subsequently president (after January 2014) of Philo’Doctes, the organisation for phd students in philosophy at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. Main activity: organisation of a fortnightly seminar. http://philo-doctes.paris-sorbonne.fr/). Title of my presented papers (19th October 2011, 17th November 2011 and 30th April 2012): “Les instruments de l’originaire: le rapport entre forme et matière chez Heidegger” (“The Instruments for thinking the Origins: the Relation between Form and Matter in Heidegger”); “Le problème du mouvement conçu comme détermination ontologique fondamentale: Heidegger et Patočka lecteurs d’Aristote” (“The Problem of Movement conceived as a fundamental ontological Determination: Heidegger and Patočka readers of Aristotle”); “L’action politique chez Hannah Arendt” (“Political Action in Hannah Arendt’s Philosophy”).