Philosophy and Sociology
The Philosophy and Sociology Department offers two degrees: a double-bachelor in Philosophy and Sociology and a master in Applied Sociological Research.
It aims to deliver curricula that provides students with a deep and comprehensive understanding of the functioning of contemporary societies, and to challenge them to think critically about key sociological and philosophical issues. Philosophical training emphasises epistemological questions regarding the conditions of scientific objectivity and the way social sciences differ from natural sciences. It explores moral and political issues including classic topics such as justice, democracy, freedom, equality and social pact, and theory of action (rational choice theory). Sociological training emphasises the link between sociological theory and empirical research, as well as the methodological issues underlying social scientific research by introducing students to the methods of social science survey.
The master in Applied Sociological Research allows students and professionals to further develop their understanding of research methodologies in sociology and especially in the fields of public policies, administration, public and private organisations or NGOs for which production and collection of specific social data on topics such as geography, urbanism, health, education, media and family is key.
Our faculty is composed of distinguished professors and lecturers from France who have achieved worldwide acclaim in the fields of philosophy and social research, ensuring that all the courses are aligned with cutting-edge contemporary research.
Head of Department name and contact details
Dr Claude Vishnu Spaak