Book Talk – Litigating Climate Change in the Global South
Date: Wednesday 25 September 2024
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Venue: SUAD Campus
Open to public
Associate Professor Jolene Lin, Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL), at at the National University of Singapore (NUS), will present her new book “Litigating Climate Change in the Global South” published by Oxford University Press in 2024. Dr. Lin is a world-leading expert in climate litigation, renowned for her extensive research and contributions to the field of environmental law.
While climate change litigation in developed countries of the ‘Global North’ is a well-studied phenomenon (from its distinctive characteristics and the contribution it is making, to the implementation of international climate laws like the Paris Agreement), relatively few studies focus on climate case law emerging elsewhere. Litigating Climate Change in the Global South sheds light on emerging and accelerating climate litigation in developing countries across the three regions of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia and the Pacific. It is the first monograph-length work to provide a comprehensive assessment of this jurisprudence. Amid growing scholarly and policy interest in climate change litigation and its impact on international climate governance, the book examines which Global South countries are seeing climate cases, what is driving these trends, the coalitions of actors involved, and the early impacts this litigation is having on global goals of climate mitigation and adaptation.
About the Speaker

Dr Jolene Lin is Associate Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She is also Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Environmental Law. She is a globally recognized expert on climate change law. Her recent publications include Governing Climate Change: Global Cities and Transnational Lawmaking (Cambridge University Press 2018), Climate Change Litigation in the Asia Pacific (Cambridge University Press 2020) and Litigating Climate Change in the Global South (Oxford University Press 2024). She is on the editorial boards of Journal of Environmental Law, Transnational Environmental Law and the Chinese Journal of Environmental Law. At NUS, Jolene teaches tort law and climate change law. She taught at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies (CTLS) in Fall 2023. She received the NUS Faculty of Law’s Teaching Excellence Award in 2020 and 2023 in recognition of her passionate commitment to teaching.
Jolene regularly conducts seminars and provides consultancy services to government agencies, judicial bodies, companies and non-governmental organizations. She is also actively involved in various climate change philanthropic initiatives to support the role of law in tackling the climate emergency. Before joining the National University of Singapore, Jolene spent ten years at the University of Hong Kong where she was Associate Professor and Vice-Dean (International Affairs). During her time in Hong Kong, Jolene served on the Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings Ordinance) and the Appeal Board Panel (Town Planning).
Jolene read law at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LLB), New York University (LLM) and Erasmus University Rotterdam (PhD). She is an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore.
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