DAAW – Digital Archiving Conference in the Arab World

Date: Tuesday 29 October – Thursday 31 October 2024
Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Venue: SUAD Campus & NLA Abu Dhabi
Open to public


The first-ever International Conference on Digital Archiving in the Arab World (DA|AW), held in Abu Dhabi in 2019, organized to spark off a series of conferences on the subject. Four years later, and following a global epidemic, it is time to reassemble for exploring and move ahead with the practises, experiences, and challenges of digital archiving in the Arab World. The inaugural colloquium/conference examined the issues of data preservation in the Arab world and eventually resulted in a publication release that continues to serve as a reference for researching the subject today (Bayoumi & Oliveau, 2020). At DAAW|2024, we aspire to address it through the more focused standpoint of the digital management and preservation of data and documents, without foregoing a broader reflection, concerning both historical and future documents and data in danger whether physical or natively digital.
Hereby, CEDEJ centre d’études et de documentation économiques juridiques et sociales) has joined forces with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the UAE National Archives, and the University of Sorbonne Abu Dhabi to organize a second conference in Abu Dhabi from 29th till 31st October, 2024.

The conference aims to showcase the richness of Arab content and the significance of digital archiving. At a time when global digitalization is transcending all barriers, the sources of scholarships and culture cannot be bound to books, while much historical and fresh knowledge is undeniably lost. It also restricts the ability to generate new information and synthesize new pedagogies. Similarly, digital archiving contributes to the preservation of the region’s identity, knowledge, and heritage by prolonging their lifespan. Besides conservation, digital archives enable broader access to their content by utilizing the power of digital technology.

The principal objective of DAAW|2024 is to bring together scholars and practitioners for discussions about archiving challenges in the Arab world.


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