Symposium – Food Cultures in the Arabian Peninsula between Traditions, Innovations and Challenges

Date: Monday 4 & Tuesday 5 November 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
Venue: Zayed Theatre, SUAD Campus
Open to public

The aim of this symposium is to explore food cultures in the Arabian Peninsula over an extended historical period using a multidisciplinary approach, with the goal of highlighting transformations and current challenges, particularly regarding public health, and to propose potential solutions.This event marks the launch of the Sorbonne Université Alliance’s multidisciplinary “Food” Initiative, which brings together around forty colleagues from Sorbonne Université’s three faculties (Humanities, Sciences and Engineering, Health), the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), CELSA, INSEAD, and INSPE.

The symposium also seeks to foster connections with local scholars by inviting them to participate in the call for papers, discussions, and roundtables, with the aim of establishing long-term partnerships, developing a structured network, and promoting international mobility for both faculty and researchers, as well as doctoral students. Lastly, the event includes an “open science” component to share research with the general public through two dedicated outreach events.

About the speakers

Dr. Fabien Faugeron
Dr. Fabien Faugeron is an Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) in medieval history at Sorbonne Université since 2011. He is a specialist in economic history and history of food, and his work mainly focuses on Italy (13th-15th centuries). He notably published Nourrir la ville. Ravitaillement, marchés et métiers de l’alimentation à Venise dans les derniers siècles du Moyen Âge, Rome, 2014 (BEFAR 362) [Feeding the Town. Supply, markets and food trades in Venice in the last centuries of the Middle Ages, Rome, 2014 (BEFAR 362)]. From 2024, he leads the multidisciplinary « Initiative Alimentation » which brings together more than 40 specialists of food from different disciplines belonging to numerous institutions of the Sorbonne University Alliance.

Makarm Abbes
Prof Makram Abbès is a Professor at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon and a former junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF, 2010-2015). After completing a dual program in Arabic and French literature at the ENS of Fontenay-Saint-Cloud and the universities he attended (Paris IV, Paris VII-Denis Diderot), he chose to deepen his knowledge in the field of political thought starting in 1997/1998 by pursuing a PhD in Arab political philosophy (“Andalusian Political Philosophy in the 12th Century through the Works of Ibn Bâjja (Avempace), Ibn Tufayl, and Ibn Rushd (Averroes)”), while simultaneously enrolling in the Paris Institute of Political Studies (IEP)...
Since his appointment at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon in 2000, Makram Abbès has served as the head of the preparation for the Arabic agrégation exam and the monitoring of students specializing in Arabic studies. Starting in 2014, he became the director of the Arabic Studies section within the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Foreign Civilizations at ENS Lyon. Since then, he has been responsible for the Master’s program in Arabic Studies, which focuses on the study of classical and contemporary Humanities, and he is the founder, in 2017, of the Master’s program in Middle Eastern Studies, part of the “European and International Studies” track, designed for students wishing to specialize in this geographical area. Makram Abbès is also in charge of the Master’s in Religious Sciences and Societies, co-accredited with Lyon 3 University and Lyon 2 University.
The courses he teaches within these programs place significant emphasis on political, legal, and religious issues present in the Arab world in particular, and in Islam in general. His approach remains attentive to both their contemporary dimensions and their historical roots.
A specialist in Arabic philosophy, Makram Abbès has dedicated numerous studies to thinkers such as al-Fārābī, Avempace, and Averroes, as well as to classical scholars, jurists, theologians, and historians (notably Ibn al-Muqaffa‘, al-Māwardī, and Ibn Khaldūn). These authors, along with the textual traditions they belong to or the disciplines in which they are situated, are examined from the perspective of political thought: governmental rationalities, the philosophy of the state, the relationship between rulers and the ruled, political counsel, and the theory of war. For certain themes (such as war, for example), connections are drawn between classical texts (Qur’anic exegesis, law) and contemporary works (especially those associated with Islamism), in order to offer a critical, contextualized, and non-essentialist reading of the subject.
Makram Abbès has also focused extensively on the arts of governance, the philosophy of war, and the theological-political problem in Islam (tolerance and intolerance, dogmas and creeds, secularism and secularization, etc.).

Hervé Monchot
Dr Hervé Monchot Tis a zooarchaeologist attached to the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris) and to the French Research Center for the Arabian Peninsula (CEFREPA) based in Kuwait. His research project entitled “Zooarcheology at the service of modeling meat diets in the Near East and the Arabian Peninsula during Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Socio-cultural (religious) and environmental implications” is aimed to better understand the meat diet and its evolution through the age notably by filling the insufficient record through the study of bones from several archaeological sites from the Arabian Peninsula (Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Oman, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) since the Bronze Age, in order to identify the potential impact of Islam on food practices in the region. Before developing this research, Hervé Monchot defended a doctoral thesis at the University of Aix-Marseilles on the variations in early hominin subsistence patterns around the Mediterranean Basin during the Lower to the Upper Paleolithic. Currently, he collaborates with various missions throughout the Arabian Peninsula, e.g. Failaka in Kuwait, Qalhat in Oman, Thaj, Al-Bad and Farasan in Saudi Arabia and in particular in AlUla area with the archaeological sites of Dadan and Khaybar (Saudi Arabia).

Prof Beatrice Casseau
Prof Béatrice Caseau , born Chevallier is professor of Byzantine history at Sorbonne University and senior member at the Institut Universitaire de France. Director of a research cluster on Religions and society in the Mediterranean from 2015 to 2021, she is now the head of the History department at Sorbonne university. Her research focuses on the religious and social history of the Byzantine world. She is the author of 13 books, more than 120 scientific articles and 190 papers. Her most recent books are on Byzantine food culture (2015) on food taboos (2022), on the Five Senses (2021) and on baptisteries (2023)
Nourritures terrestres, nourritures célestes : la culture alimentaire à Byzance(Paris 2015)
Religion et interdits alimentaires. Archéozoologie et sources littéraires, Leuven : Peeters, 2022 (with H. Monchot)
Rituels religieux et sensorialité (Antiquité et Moyen âge), Milan, Silvana Editoriale, 2021.(with E. Neri)
Baptême et baptistères : regards croisés sur l’initiation chrétienne entre Antiquité Tardive et Moyen Âge, Milan : Silvana Editoriale, 2023 (with L. Orlandi)

Dr Audrey Caire
Dr Audrey Caire is an Associate researcher at UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée (CNRS, France) and holds a PhD in the history of medieval Islam. She is the author of a thesis entitled: ‘The Emergence of a New Food Culture in Elite Discourse (Iraq, 1st-4th/7th-10th centuries)’, defended in January 2022 at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne under the supervision of Professor Anne-Marie Eddé. Her research focuses on the history of food, within the framework of a history of knowledge, discourse and representations, of medical Arabic manuscripts, and of imperial imaginaries in Islam.

Dr Serene Hillary
Dr Serene Hilary holds a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from UAE University. Her work integrates nutritional biochemistry, metabolomics, and in-vivo interventions to explore how nutrition impacts health and disease. She currently serves as a postdoctoral researcher under the ASPIRE Research Institute for Food Security in the Drylands (ARIFSID), focusing on the dietary needs and preferences of future consumers in the UAE. Dr Hilary’s research journey began with a focus on cardiometabolic disorders, antioxidants, and polyphenols. During her doctoral studies, she developed a functional food product from date seeds, examining its safety and health benefits in humans. Her research included the profiling of date seed polyphenols and the study of their bioaccessibility and bioavailability. A major focus of Dr Hilary’s research is the exploration of the health benefits of date seed polyphenols and sustainable dietary patterns in the UAE. She has undertaken various projects, including validating dietary fibre analysis in dry fruits, investigating the bioactivity of polyphenol-rich extracts and developing digital tools for sustainable diet adherence. In addition to her research, she also actively engages in teaching and mentoring the next generation of nutrition professionals.

Prof Khadija El Hadri-Zaegouagh
Prof Khadija El Hadri-Zaegouagh is a Professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Sorbonne University, Paris. She completed a PhD at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (UPMC) on the physiology and pathophysiology of adipose tissue (obesity). She was recruited to UPMC in 2000 as an Associate Professor. In 2017, she was awarded the rank of University Professor.
During her career, K. EL HADRI has taught animal physiology and pathophysiology at Sorbonne University, and carried out her research work on cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and particularly atherosclerosis. His research has gradually evolved towards aging and age-related pathologies, with a particular focus on CVD, the risk of which increases with age.
Pr. K. EL HADRI-ZEGOUAGH will present a lecture on a topical subject that places the bacteria that reside in us (intestinal microbiota) at the heart of our physical and mental health.

William Zimmerle
Dr William Zimmerle is a Senior Lecturer, Arts and Humanities; Affiliated Faculty Member of the Arab Crossroads Studies Program and History Program. William Gerard Zimmerle is the PI (and Founder) of the Research Project at NYUAD: Ra’eha رائحة : The Digital Heritage Library of Arabian Incense, Perfumes, and Fine Fragrances.

He currently directs ethnography projects that document the ceramic and stone production of incense burners in the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa, sponsored by the United Arab Emirates, and by the Sultanate of Oman. Additionally, he has directed a cultural heritage project and traveling exhibition on rock art in 2016 – 2019: The Dhofar Rock Art & Arabian Inscriptions Project: A Digital Humanities Initiative in the Sultanate, which was under the auspices of the Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center, Diwan of the Royal Court, The Palace, in the Sultanate of Oman.

Sylvaine Boulanger
Dr Sylvaine Boulanger is a senior lecturer qualified to supervise research in geography. She heads up the “Food and Food Cultures” (ACA) courses in the GAED master’s program in geography at Sorbonne University. Her research activities lie at the interface between rural and social geography, the environment, sociology, and economics. She is particularly interested in sustainable farming practices and innovation in agriculture.

Vincent Moriniaux
Dr Vincent Moriniaux is a lecturer senior in geography and a researcher in the Mediations laboratory at Sorbonne University. He teaches in the Geography Masters programme, specialising in Food and Food Cultures, and his research focuses on food cultures, food globalisation and the relationship between religion and food. His books include Nourrir les hommes (Editions du Temps, 2008) and Les établissements de restauration dans le monde (co-edited with V Marcilhac, L’Harmattan, 2012) and Les échanges gastronomiques franco-japonais, Fascination et complémentarité de deux médiations alimentaires, (co-edited with N. Baumert, Presses Universitaires Rhin et Danube, 2023).

Christophe Lavelle
Dr Christophe Lavelle is a research scientist at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific research), working at the National Museum of Natural History / Sorbonne University in Paris. He is an expert in biophysics, epigenetics and food science and teaches in many universities and professional schools. He is the author of more than 50 research papers and 15 books, including the “Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Foundations, Educational Practices, and Culinary Applications” (CRC Press, 2021).

Dr Alain Cariou, agrégé and doctor in geography, is currently a lecturer at the UFR of geography at Sorbonne University of Paris. His main field of research focuses on the dynamics of regional development and environmental issues in arid and semi-arid countries, particularly in Central Asia and the Middle East. His work focuses more particularly on development policies and their consequences on the exploitation and management of resources, particularly water. The issue of irrigated territories and agricultural and food security policies in Central Asia and the Arabian Peninsula is studied from the perspective of the multiple interactions between the environment and economic and social development. The question of environmental problems at the local and regional levels is also posed in the light of the impact of climate change on resources and human societies.

Dr Hadrien Dubucs
Dr Hadrien Dubucs is a geographer, associate professor at Sorbonne University (Paris), and the vice-director of the Master program in Food and food culture. He is a member of the research unit Médiations and a fellow of Institut Convergences Migrations. He was the Head of the department of Geography and planning at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (2016-2021). His research focuses on the interplay between international migration, urban change and food comsumption, in France and in the UAE. He leaded research programs on Ethnic food shops in Paris (program COMET, 2014-2017, funded by the Paris City Hall) and on Abu Dhabi’s Public Spaces (program Abu Dhabi Public Spaces, ADEK Award Research, 2017-2021). He published Le petit commerce dans la ville-monde. Critiques & cités. Paris: L’Oeil d’or, 2020 (co-authored with A. Fleury, M. Delage, L. Endelstein and S. Weber) and Abu Dhabi Public Spaces: Urban Encounters, Social Diversity and (In)Formality. Motivate. Dubai, 2021 (co-authored with A. Kyriazis and C. Chaveneau).

Patricia Serradas
Prof Patricia Serradas is a full professor of physiology at Sorbonne University in Paris (France). Her research activities, which she conducts at the Nutriomics laboratory at Faculty of Health Sciences, focus on the detection of sugar in the gut and their interaction with metabolites produced by the intestinal microbiota in the context of obesity and type 2 diabetes. She is the author of fifty original publications in peer-reviewed journals. She has been also the head of the Nutrition, Quality and Health Master’s program and the director of the training department for the Integrative Biology and Physiology Master’s program at Sorbonne University.

Dr Martine Glorian
Dr Martine Glorian is an assistant professor at Sorbonne University in Paris, working in a research unit dedicated to cardiovascular and metabolic diseases within the Faculty of Health at Sorbonne University. Her research focuses on exploring the cellular and molecular events underlying arterial narrowing to identify therapeutic strategies for preventing heart attacks and strokes in high cardiovascular risk patients. She teach numerous courses on cardiovascular diseases at various university levels, emphasizing the experimental approaches that led to the identification of cardiovascular risk factors, particularly those related to diet. Dr Glorian co-manages two teaching units focused on the scientific foundations of the links between diet and chronic diseases. Additionally, she is involved in cardiovascular disease prevention campaigns through booths, articles, and podcasts aimed at the general public.

Carine Platat
Prof Carine Platat is a Professor at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) whose research primarily targets the prevention and management of nutrition-related diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD). Her work emphasizes the impact of diet and physical activity, and she has developed several physical activity-based intervention programs for diverse populations.
She is also passionate about her work in space-related research. Since 2017, Prof. Platat has been an enthusiastic member of the Emirates Space Innovation Group. In this role, she leads exciting projects on weightlessness, insulin resistance, and exercise, collaborating with renowned institutions like the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre in Dubai, the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow, Russia, and NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, USA. Her research in space aims to uncover how space conditions affect human health, to develop innovative ways to maintain well-being during space missions and counteract the side effects of inactivity on Earth.
In addition to her work in space, Prof. Platat explores the use of natural ingredients to create functional foods.
Prof. Platat obtained her engineering degree in agronomy from the National School of Agronomy and Food Industries in Nancy, France, and later completed her MSc in Biology and Human Nutrition at the National Institute of Agronomy in Paris. In 2005, she earned her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France, where she investigated the interrelationships between dietary factors, physical activity, and metabolic syndrome in adolescents. During her post-doctoral work at the Pluri-disciplinary Institute Hubert Curien in Strasbourg, she focused on the interaction between physical activity and lipid oxidation.
Since joining UAEU, Prof. Platat has taught various undergraduate and graduate courses in Macronutrients, Nutrition and Metabolism, Sports Nutrition, Human Nutrition Assessment, Exercise and Health, and Functional Foods. She coordinates the BSc in Nutritional Science and PhD in Nutritional Sciences programs and serves on several committees, including the Innovation, Educational Assessment, Research and Graduate Studies Committees, and more recently, the College Quality Assurance Committee. She has also contributed to the EXPO2020-UAEU Task Force and the UAEU Strategic Management Office.

Dr Souad Mahmoud Al-Okla
Dr. Souad Mahmoud Al-Okla is an Associate Professor of Immunology at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, National University of Science and Technology, in the Sultanate of Oman. She holds a Ph.D. in Immunopharmacology from Strasbourg University, France, reinforcing her extensive expertise in the fields of immunology and molecular biology.
Dr. Al-Okla has an extensive teaching portfolio, having instructed courses in immunology, molecular biology, and genetics at various universities. She has adeptly supervised numerous research projects for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, fostering the development of emerging scientists.
As a principal investigator, she has been secured several prestigious research grants, focusing on epigenetics in the development and severity of diseases in omani population as well as the medicinal properties of the local plants, particularly in relation to infections and inflammation. Her research projects aim to uncover the complex interplay between environmental exposures, nutritional factors, and genetic expression, with significant implications for public health. highlighting her commitment to addressing regional health issues through cutting-edge scientific inquiry.
Dr. Al-Okla has published her research extensively in a variety of international journals, contributing to the global discourse in her fields. Additionally, she serves as a peer reviewer for esteemed journals such as Heliyon and Natural Product Research by Elsevier, as well as Epidemiologia and Healthcare by PMDI, where she helps uphold the quality and integrity of scientific publishing.
In her leadership role as Chair of the Research and Innovation Committee at her college, Dr. Al-Okla actively shapes research policies and strategies, enhancing the research environment within the institution. She also holds memberships in several other committees at both the college and university levels, contributing her expertise to a broad range of academic and administrative functions. Her active participation in these roles underscores her dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering innovation in the academic community.

Dr Zaïneb Ben Lagha is an Associate Professor in Modern Arabic Literature in Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris and currently Visiting Researcher in CEFREPA (French Research Centre of the Arabian Peninsula) and SUAD (Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi). Her PhD is in Modern Arabic Literature.
She is interested in literature and the writing of history (her thesis focuses on the historical novel of Jurjî Zaydân), as well as figures of marginality (she co-edited, with Ève Feuillebois, a work on this subject: Étrangeté de l’autre, singularité du moi. Les figures du marginal dans les littératures , Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2015, 657 p). She also explores the referential space in contemporary Arabic literature (she co-edited, with José Costa, Bernard Rougier, and Michèle Tauber, a work on this topic: Imaginaire et espace dans les mondes arabes et hébraïques , Paris, PUF, 2023, 686 pages). Her latest publications focus on the contemporary novel of the Arabian Peninsula (« Du quartier au palais, du rêve d’émancipation à la cruelle réalité de l’aliénation : une lecture de Tarmī bi-šarar [ترمي بشرر] de ‘Abduh Ḫāl [عبده خال] », in Laurence Denooz et Élisabeth Vauthier (éd.), LiCArC, Revue de Littérature et Culture Arabes Contemporaines – Poétique du lieu fictionnel dans le roman de la Péninsule arabe, Hors-série, 11, 2023, p. 27-40).


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