The Horasis Global Meeting
19 May, 2022Dr Claude Vishnu Spaak, Head of the Philosophy and Sociology Department at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, has participated as a guest speaker at the Horasis Global Meeting. The Horasis Global Meeting is one of the foremost annual meetings of the world’s leading decision makers from business, government and civil society. Under the theme “Toward a New Era of Peace and Sustainability“, the Horasis community of more than 1000 selected world leaders gathered for an unparalleled experience devising novel ideas to navigate through our developments in post-COVID and post-invasion times.
The need for sustainability has become very visible: the world sees how local communities have been devastated by fires, floods and famines; and in parallel, the devastation caused by the COVID pandemic. And following the unlawful invasion of the Ukraine, the devastation will have effects for years to come.
The meeting discussed how to move forward – becoming more adventurous, innovative and entrepreneurial through rapidly engaging in a new era of sustainability and regeneration: and to resolve all the issues related to the war.
Dr. Claude Vishnu Spaak was part of a panel titled “On Philosophy – Political Ethics in a New Age”