Dr Alejandro Tejedor
Meet our Research Faculty
Dr Alejandro Tejedor
Associate Professor
Sciences and Engineering, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-3800-5304
alejandro.tejedor@sorbonne.ae - alejandro.tejedor@gmail.com
Research Website - Twitter
At Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi: Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi Research Institute
At University of California, Irvine: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Physics from University of Zaragoza, 2011
- Complex Systems: Network theory, Information Theory
- Earth-surface processes: River deltas and landscape evolution
- Data analysis and modelling in Geoscienes
Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals in the last 5 years (from 2017), For full publication list: URL or URL.
Journal articles
- Engsig, M., A. Tejedor, Y. Moreno. Robustness Assessment of Complex Networks using the Idle Network. Phys. Rev. Research 4, L042050 (2022).
- Broaddus, C., L. Vulis, J. Nienhuis, Tejedor, A., J. Brown, E. Foufoula‑Georgiou, and D. Edmonds. First‑order River Delta Morphology is Explained by the Sediment Flux Balance from Rivers, Waves, and Tides. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL100355 (2022).
- Tejedor, A., J. Schwenk, M. Kleinhans, A. Limaye, L.Vulis, P. Carling, H. Kantz, E. Foufoula-Georgiou. The Entropic Braiding Index (eBI): a robust metric to account for the diversity of channel scales in multi-thread rivers. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL099681 (2022).
- Roy, J., A. Tejedor, A. Singh. Dynamic Clusters to Infer Topologic Controls on Environmental Transport of River Networks. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL096957 (2022).
- Vulis, L., A. Tejedor, I. Zaliapin, J. Rowland, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Climate Signatures on Lake And Wetland Size Distributions in Arctic Deltas. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL094437 (2021).
- Ferdowsi, B., J.D. Gartner, K.N. Johnson, A. Kasprak, K.L. Miller, W.Nardin, A.C. Ortiz, and A. Tejedor. Earthcasting: Geomorphic forecasts for society. Earth's Future, 9, e2021EF002088 (2021).
- Wang, X., A. Tejedor, Y. Wang, Y. Moreno. Unique superdiffusion induced by directionality in multiplex networks. New J. Phys. 23 013016 (2021)
- Stevens, A., R. Willett, A. Mamalakis, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, A. Tejedor, J.T. Randerson, P. Smyth and S. Wright. Graph-guided regularised regression of Pacific Ocean climate variables to increase predictive skill of southwestern US winter precipitation. J. Climate 1–50 (2020)
- Zamani, M., A. Tejedor, M. Vogl, F. Kräutli, M. Valleriani, and H. Kantz. Evolution and transformation of early modern cosmological knowledge: a network study. Scientific Report, 10, 19822 (2020) Vulis, L., A. Tejedor, J. Schwenk, A. Piliouras, J. Rowland, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Channel network control on seasonal lake area dynamics in arctic deltas. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL086710 (2020).
- Vulis, L., A. Tejedor, J. Schwenk, A. Piliouras, J. Rowland, and E. Foufoula‐Georgiou. Channel network control on seasonal lake area dynamics in arctic deltas. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL086710 (2020).
- Valleriani, M., F. Kräutli, M. Zamani, A. Tejedor, C. Sander, M. Vogl, S. Bertram, G. Funke, H. Kantz. The emergence of epistemic communities in the ‘Sphaera’corpus: mechanisms of knowledge evolution. Journal of Historical Network Research, 3(1), 50-91 (2019).
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, T. Georgiou, and Y. Moreno. Diffusion Dynamics and Optimal Coupling in Directed Muliplex Networks. Phys. Rev. X 8, 031071 (2018).
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, P. Passalacqua, Y. Moreno and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. River deltas as Multiplex networks: A framework for studying multi-process multi-scale connectivity via coupled-network theory. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 9681–9689 (2018).
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, D. Edmonds, I. Zaliapin, T. Georgiou, A. Rinaldo and E. Foufoula- Georgiou. Entropy and Optimality in River Deltas. PNAS 114, 11651-11656 (2017).
- Tejedor, A., A. Singh, I. Zaliapin, A. Densmore and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Scale-dependent erosional patterns in steady-state and transient-state landscapes. Science Advances 3, e1701683 (2017).
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, I. Zaliapin, S. Ambroj and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Network robustness assessed within a dual connectivity framework. Scientific Reports 7, 8567 (2017).
- Danesh-Yazdi, M., A. Tejedor and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, Self-Dissimilar Landscapes: Revealing the Signature of Geologic Constraints on Landscape Dissection via Topologic and Multi-Scale Analysis. Geomorphology 295, 16-27 (2017).
- Prof. Efi Foufoula-Georgiou - University of California Irvine, USA: River deltas, Arctic deltas, Landscape Evolution, Network theory applications to Geoscience problems.
- Prof. Ilya Zaliapin – University of Nevada, Reno, USA: Coalesent processes, Self-similarity, River networks.
- Prof. Arvind Singh – University of Central Florida, USA: Landscape Evolution
- Prof. Douglas Edmonds – Indiana University, USA: Numerical modelling in river deltas
- Prof. Yamir Moreno – University of Zaragoza, Spain: Multiplex Networks and Network theory
- Prof. Holger Kantz and Prof. Matteo Valleriani – Max Planck Institute, Germany: Network analysis of historic sources.
- Tejedor, A. Diffusion Dynamics on Directed Multiplex Networks: The emergence of an optimal coupling and a new regime of superdiffusion. In: Workshop on Characterising Interactions in Complex Systems - Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, November 2019.
- Tejedor, A. What can we learn from the emergent connectivity patterns in geomorphic systems? In: GAIA seminar series – Géosciences Montpellier - Université de Montpellier, France, October 2019.
- Tejedor, A. A network-theory approach for studying Earth-surface processes. In: 16th International Workshops on Complex Systems and Networks - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, September 2019.
- Tejedor, A. Connectivity as a tool to investigate hydro-geomorphic systems. In: Seminar at the Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes,CAS - Beijing, China, September 2019.
- Tejedor, A. What can we learn from the emergent connectivity patterns in geomorphic systems? Keynote in: Non-Equilibrium Flow and Landform Coupling Workshop - Loughborough University, UK, May 2019.
- Tejedor, A. Diffusion Dynamics and Optimal Coupling in Directed Multiplex Networks In: Chemnitz-Dresden Focus Meeting on Nonlinear Dynamics and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics - TU Chemnitz, Germany, January 2019.
- Tejedor, A. Understanding River Deltas through the lens of their channel networks In: Asian School of the Environment - Seminars – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, February 2018.
- Tejedor, A. Understanding River Deltas through the lens of their channel networks In: Applied Mathematics - Seminars - Rochester University of Technology, Rochester, NY, January 2018.
- Tejedor, A. Modeling multi-process connectivity in river deltas: extending the single layer network analysis to a coupled multilayer network framework In: Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017.
- Tejedor, A.. Experimental evidence of scale-dependent erosional patterns in steady-state and transient-state landscapes. In: Geoscience Seminars - University of Nevada, Reno, October 2017.
- Tejedor, A.. Delta channel network connectivity. In: CUNY Advanced Science Research Center, New York, September 2016.
- Tejedor, A.. Decoding the delta enigma. In: Utrecht University, Utrecht, June 2016.
- Tejedor, A., I. Zaliapin. Tokunaga Self-Similarity: Statistical inference and applications to river networks. In: STRESS 4: Connectivity, Non-Linearity, and Regime Transitions in Future Earthscapes Workshop, Lake Tahoe, NV, April 2013.
- Vulis, L., A. Tejedor, H. Ma, J. Nienhuis, C. Broaddus, J. Brown, D. Edmonds, J. Rowland and E. Foufoula‑Georgiou. Delta Phenotypes: Characterizing the Expression of Fluvial, Wave and Tidal Processes on the Multiscale Structure of Shorelines. Fall AGU Meeting, Chicago, December 2022
- Tejedor, A., J. Schwenk, M. Kleinhans, A. Limaye, L. Vulis, P. Carling, H. Kantz and E. Foufoula‑Georgiou. The Entropic Braiding Index (eBI): an effective channel count to characterize multi‑thread river systems. Fall AGU Meeting, Chicago, December 2022
- J. Roy, A. Tejedor and A. Singh. Dynamic Clusters and Phase Transition in River Networks Fall AGU Meeting, Chicago, December 2022
- H. Ma, L. Vulis, J. Shaw, A. Tejedor, D. Feng and E. Foufoula‑Georgiou. Terminal condition for the progradation of distributary channel networks. Fall AGU Meeting, Chicago, December 2022
- Tejedor, A., L. Vulis, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, H. Ma, C. Broaddus, D. Edmonds and J. Nienhuis. A transport-based concept of scale and effective resolution in distributary river networks. Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2021
- Vulis, L., A. Tejedor, I. Zaliapin, J. Rowland and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. The relationship between lake spatial distribution and permafrost processes on arctic deltas. Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2021
- Zaliapin, I., Y. Kovchegov, E. Foufoula-Georgiou and A. Tejedor. Critical Tokunaga model for river networks. Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2021
- Tejedor, A., L. Vulis, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Towards a process-based classification of delta morphology via quantification of shoreline structure. Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2021
- Roy, J., A. Singh, and A. Tejedor.Dynamic Connectivity and Topological Controls of River Networks. Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, De- cember 2021
- Brown, J., D. Edmonds, S. Toby, C. Broaddus, J. Nienhuis, A. Tejedor, L. Vulis and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. A Transit Through Galloway Space: Process Dominance Naturally Changes as Deltas Grow. Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2021
- Broaddus, C., D. Edmonds, S. Toby, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, A. Tejedor, L. Vulis and J. Nienhuis. Simulating Galloway’s famous triangle:Testing the hypothesis that rivers, waves, and tides control delta morphology. In: Fall AGU Meeting,Online, December 2020
- Ferdowsi, B., J. Gartner, K. Johnson, A. Kasprak, K. Miller, W. Nardin, A.Ortiz, M. Perignon, A.Tejedor. Earthcasting: Geomorphic predictionfor society. In: Fall AGU Meeting, Online, December 2020
- Vulis, L., A. Tejedor, I. Zaliapin, J. Rowland4 and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Characterising the Distribution of Lakes on Arctic Deltas.In: Fall AGUMeeting, Online, December 2020
- Stevens, A., R. Willett, A. Mamalakis, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, P. Le, A. Tejedor, J. Randerson, S. Wright and P. Smyth. Graph-guided regularised regression to improve predictive skill of precipitation at seasonal timescales.In: Fall AGU Meeting, Online, December 2020
- Tejedor, A., J. Schwenk, M.G. Kleinhans, P.A. Carling and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. The Braiding Index 2.0: eBI. In: Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 2019.
- Vullis, L., A. Tejedor, J. Schwenk, A. Piliouras, J.C. Rowland, G. Pease and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Revealing channel network control on seasonal lake area dynamics in Arctic deltas. In: Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 2019.
- Roy, J., A. Tejedor, and A. Singh. Dynamic clusters to infer topological controls on environmental transport on river networks. In: Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 2019.
- Stevens, A., R. Willett, A. Mamalakis, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, J. Randerson, P. Smyth, S. Wright and A. Tejedor. raph-Guided Regularisation for Improved Forecasting of Southwestern US Winter Precipitation. In: Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 2019.
- Tejedor, A. A network approach to investigate River Deltas. In: International Workshop on Dynamical Methods in Data-based Exploration of Complex Systems, Dresden, October 2019.
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, H. Kantz. E. Foufoula-Georgiou, P. Passalacqua and Y. Moreno. A general framework to study multi-process connectivity: Multilayer Networks. In: EGU, Vienna, April 2019.
- Vullis, L., A. Tejedor, J. Schwenk and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Inferring Surface and Subsurface Lake-Channel Connectivity in Arctic Deltas. In: EGU, Vienna, April 2019.
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, T.T. Georgiou and Y. Moreno. Optimal Coupling in Directed Multiplex Networks: A new type of superdiffusion. In: Conference on Complex Systems, CCS2018, Thessaloniki, Greece,September 2018.
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. River deltas through the lens of their channel networks: Inferring process from form and delta self-organisation. In: Conference on Complex Systems, CCS2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2018.
- Vullis, L., A. Tejedor, Schwenk, J. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Channel-Lake Connectivity in Arctic Deltas. In: Fall AGU Meeting,Washington DC, December 2018.
- Singh, A., Z. Wu and A. Tejedor. Interplay of advective and diffusive processes on landscape organisation and evolution. In: Fall AGU Meeting, Washington DC, December 2018.
- Schwenk, J.,A. Tejedor, E, Foufoula-Georgiou and J.C. Rowland. Automatic Extraction of Delta Channel Network Topology. In: Fall AGU Meeting, Washington DC, December 2018.
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, D. Edmonds, I. Zaliapin, T. Georgiou, A. Rinaldo and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Optimality and self-organisation in river deltas. In: Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017.
- Singh, A.,A. Tejedor, JL Grimaud and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Experimental evidence of rainfall driven knickpoints. In: Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017.
- Longjas, A., A. Tejedor and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Graph Theory Approach for Studying Food Webs. In: Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017.
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Is there a self-organisation principle of river deltas? In: EGU, Vienna, April 2017.
- Singh, A.,A. Tejedor, JL Grimaud and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Experimental evidence of landscape reorganisation under changing external forcing: implications to climate-driven knickpoints. In: EGU, Vienna, April 2017.
- Singh, A., A. Tejedor,J.L.Grimaud I. Zaliapin, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Quantifying the scale- and processdependent reorganisation of landscape under climatic change: inferences from an experimental landscape. In: Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 2016.
- Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Is there a self-organisation principle of river deltas? In: EGU, Vienna, April 2017.
- Singh, A.,A. Tejedor, JL Grimaud and E. Foufoula-Georgiou. Experimental evidence of landscape reorganisation under changing external forcing: implications to climate-driven knickpoints. In: EGU, Vienna, April 2017.
- Member of Organising Committee, 12th International Precipitation Conference IPC12, Irvine, CA, June 19-21, 2019
- Co-Organiser of the Data Analytics for Climate and Earth (DANCE) workshop, Lake Arrowhead, CA, March 27-29, 2019
- AGU Fall meeting 2021 (New Orleans, December 13-17, 2021).
- Co-organised: “Session: River Deltas: Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Sedimentology”
- AGU Fall meeting 2020 (Online, December 1-17, 2020).
- Co-organised: “Session: River Deltas: Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Sedimentology”
- AGU Fall meeting 2019 (San Francisco, CA, December 12-16, 2019).
- Co-organised: “Session: River Deltas: Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Sedimentology”
- Union Session co-organised: “Data Analytics and Machine Learning Innovation for Climate and Earth Surface Processes”
- AGU Fall meeting 2016 (San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019).
- Co-organised: “Comparing and Contrasting Geomorphic Channel Networks”
- Qualifying Exam PhD candidate Lawrence Vulis at University California, Irvine (January 2021)
- AGU selection commitee for the Devendra Lal Memorial Medal since 2020
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Hydrology,Earth Surface Dynamics, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Physical Review E, New Journal of Physics, Scientific Reports, Water Resources Research, Earth’s Future, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics and Physica A.
- European Geosciences Union (since 2013)
- American Geophysical Union (since 2011)