Dr Lama Tarsissi
Meet our Research Faculty
Dr Lama Tarsissi
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Sciences and Engineering Department, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-1932-4676
At Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi: Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi Research Institute.
Other: LIGM_Université Gustave Eiffel UMR8049.
- Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Discrete geometry, Combinatorics on words, dynamic systems, discrete convexity, polyominoes, discrete lines, algorithms and hypergraphs.
Publications Book Chapters
- 2022: Tarsissi, L., Y Kenmochi, H Djerroumi, D Coeurjolly, P Romon, J.P Borel "Algorithms for pixelwise shape deformations preserving digital convexity" Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM2022)- Strasbourg-France
- 2021: (*) Ascolese, M., Frosini, A., Kocay, W.L., Tarsissi, L.. "Properties of unique degree sequences of 3-uniform hypergraphs" Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM)- Upsala- Sweeden
- 2020: (*) Frosini, A., Tarsissi, L. The characterization of the minimal paths in the Christoffel tree according to a second-order balancedness. Development in Language Theory (DLT) - Tampa, USA. (hal-02495529) (LNCS, volume 12086)
- 2019: Tarsissi, L., Coeujolly, D., Kenmochi, Y., Romon, P. Convexity Preserving Contraction of Digital Sets. Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR) - Auckland, New-Zealand
- 2019: (*) Tarsissi, L., Vuillon, L. Second order balance property on Christoffel words. Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences (MACIS) - Istanbul-Turkey
- 2018: (*) Borel, J-P., Tarsissi, L., Vuillon, L. 2018. Inflation of Digital Convex Polyominoes. Journées montoises d’informatique théorique – Bordeaux-France
- 2017: (*) Dulio, P., Frosini, A. Rinaldi, S. Tarsissi, L., Vuillon, L.. First Steps in the Algorithmic Reconstruction of Digital Convex Sets. WORDS - Montréal-Canada. (LNCS volume 10432)
- 2022: Tarsissi, L. and Kenmochi, Y. and Romon, P. Cœurjolly, D. and Borel, J.P, (submitted) "Convexity preserving deformations of digital sets : Characterization of removable and insertable pixels".Discrete Applied Mathematics (hal-03712662)
- 2022: (*) Di Marco, N. and Frosini, A. and Kocay, W. and Pergola, E. and Tarsissi, L.. "Structure and Complexity of 2-Intersection Graphs of 3-Hypergraphs". Algorithmica
- 2021: (*) Dulio, P., Frosini, A. Rinaldi, S. Tarsissi, L., Vuillon, L. "Further steps on the reconstruction of convex polyominoes from orthogonal projections". Journal of Combinatorial Optimization URL
- 2020: (*) Frosini, A., Kocay, W., Palma, G., Tarsissi, L.. 2020. "On Null 3-Hypergraphs". Discrete Applied Mathematics URL
- 2023 UAE Math Day. Dubai-UAE
- 2019 Women in Sage. Archanes-Grèce
- 2017 Semestre thématiques en Algèbre et Combinatoire de mots. Montréal-Canada
- 2017 Women in Sage. Ris-Orangis-France
- 2016 3rd Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics Summer School. Hagenberg-Autriche
- 2016 Transversal aspect of Tilings. Île d’Oléron-France
- 2016 École des jeunes chercheurs en informatique et mathématiques (EJCIM). Strasbourg-France
- 2015 École des jeunes chercheurs en informatique et mathématiques (EJCIM). Orléans-France
- 2022: Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology - Strasbourg-France
- 2022: Meeting on Tomography and Applications Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction -Milan-Italie
- 2022: Journées Informatique et Géométrie 2022-Dijon-France(en ligne)
- 2021: Developments in Language Theory - Porto-Portugual
- 2021: Meeting on Tomography and Applications Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction -Milan-Italie(en ligne)
- 2021: Journées de géometrie Discrète et Morphologie mathématique-Nancy-France
- 2020: Meeting on Tomography and Applications Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction -Milan-Italie
- 2019: The 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR) - Auckland-New Zealand (Poster)
- 2019: Mathemetic aspects of computer and information sciences(MACIS) – Istanbul-Turkie
- 2019: Journée GT-GDMM – Marseille-France
- 2019: Meeting on Tomography and Applications Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction -Milan-Italie
- 2018: Journées Montoises - Bordeaux-FranceX2018Journée MDSC – Nice-France
- 2018: Meeting on Tomography and Applications Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction -Milan-Italie
- 2017: Words 2017 - Montréal-CanadaX2017Meeting on Tomography and Applications Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction -Milan-Italie
- 2016: Journées Montoises – Liège-Belgique
- 2016: 3rd Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics – Hagenberg-Autriche (Poster)
- 2015: Interaction – Grenoble-France
- 2023 Seminar at Khalifa Université - Abu Dhabi-Émirats Arabes Unis
- 2022 Seminar at l’Université de MIT world peace - Pune-Inde(en ligne)
- 2022 Seminar at l’Université of Technology and applied sciences - Suhar-Oman
- 2021 Seminar at l’ Université de Firenze - Florence-Italie
- 2021 Women in combnatorics - Toronto-Canada(en ligne)
- 2019 Seminar at l’ Université de Firenze - Florence-Italie
- 2019 Seminar at l’Université de Liège - Liège-Belgique
- 2019 Seminar at LIRIF, Paris diderot - Paris-France
- 2018 Seminar at LIGM, Paris Marne-la-vallée - Paris-France
- 2018 Seminar at l’Université de Firenze - Florence-Italie
- 2018 Seminar at Laboratoire I3S - Sophia Antipolis-France
- 2017 Seminar at Laboratoire LAMA, équipe LIMD - Chambéry-France
- 2016 Seminar at Laboratoire LAMA. - Chambéry-France
- 2016 Seminar at Laboratoire LAMA. - Chambéry-France
- 2023 Inaugural meeting of Asian-Oceanian Women in Mathematics (AOWM) - Bengalore-Inde
- 2023 Journées des femmes en sciences au Lycée Georges Pompidou - Dubai-Émirats Arabes Unis
- 2022 Journées des femmes en sciences au Lycée Georges Pompidou - Dubai-Émirats Arabes Unis
- 2022 To Constitute a Network of Women Mathematicians in South Asian and Middle Eastern Region - Suhar-Oman
- 2021 To Celebrate Emirati Women Day - Abu Dhabi-Émirats Arabes Unis
- In February 2023, I was invited as an ambassador by journalist Balkis Abdelrida, on behalf of "ARAB CREATIVE WOMEN (ACW)" to do a filmed interview on the role of women in science.
ACW is the first platform for women to shine, connect and be valued in the Arab region for their achievements and empowerment - For the occasion of Women in Mathematics Days, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), organizes Mathematics Challenge (UMaCh).
UMaCh is a mathematical challenge designed for two categories: one for students aged 13 to 17 and another for people aged 18 and over. The objective of this competition is to encourage minds young and enthusiastic to apply their mathematical skills to problem solving and critical thinking. Thanks to my role as ambassador, I was contacted to be part of the jury of this tournament which takes place between March 15 and 20, 2023