Prof Abdenour Hadid
Meet our Chair of Excellence Professor
Prof Abdenour Hadid
Senior Scientist
Sorbonne Centre for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI)
Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Vision
- Pattern Recognition
- Data Fusion
- Biometrics
- Personalized Healthcare
- Computer Science and Egineering
- Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China
- University of Quebec, Canada
- University of Valenciennes, France
- University of Cagliari, Italy
- Eurecom Institute, France
- University of Tokyo, Japan
- Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
- Pietikäinen M, Hadid A, Zhao G, Ahonen T, (eds.), Computer Vision Using Local Binary, Spinger 2011
- Jiang, Hadid, Pang, Granger (Eds.) Deep learning in object detection and recognition, Springer 2019
- Lei Li, Abdenour Hadid, Deep Learning in Face Anti-spoofing, Invited book chapter, Deep learning in object detection and recognition, (Eds. Jiang, Hadid, Pang, Granger), Springer, 2018
- Xiaoting Wu, Elhocine Boutellaa, Abdenour Hadid, Deep learning in Kinship verification, Invited book chapter, Deep learning in object detection and recognition, (Eds. Jiang, Hadid, Pang, Granger), Springer, 2018
- Jukka Komulainen, Abdenour Hadid and Matti Pietikäinen, Contact lens detection in iris images, Invited book chapter, Springer, 2016
- Paulo Lobato Correia, Peter K. Larsen, Abdenour Hadid, Martin Sandau, Miguel Almeida, On Using Soft Biometrics in Forensic Investigation, Invited Chapter, Biometrics and Forensic Sciences, Springer, 2016
- André Anjos, Jukka Määttä, Sébastien Marcel, Abdenour Hadid (2014), Face Anti-Spoofing: Visual Approach, First Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing (Eds. Stan Z Li, Mark Nixon and Sebastien Marcel)
- John B, John C and Mark Nixon, Mohammad Ghahramani, and Abdenour Hadid (2014) Gait Anti-Spoofing, First Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing (Eds. Stan Z Li, Mark Nixon and Sebastien Marcel)
- Martinkauppi B, Hadid A & Pietikäinen M (2011), Skin color in face analysis. In: Handbook of Face Recognition, 2nd ed. (Eds. S.Z. Li & A.K. Jain), Springer-Verlag, 2011
- Kämäräinen J, Hadid A & Pietikäinen M (2011), Facial feature representation. In: Handbook of Face Recognition, 2nd ed. (Eds. S.Z. Li & A.K. Jain), Springer-Verlag, 2011
- Hadid A & Pietikäinen M (2009) Local Image Filters, In: Stan Z. Li (ed). Encyclopedia of Biometric Recognition. Springer, 2:943-949, 2009
- Hadid A, Zhao G, Ahonen T & Pietikäinen M (2007) Face Analysis using Local Binary Patterns, In: M. Mirmehdi (ed.) Handbook of Texture Analysis, Invited Chapter, 2007
- Martinkauppi B, Hadid A & Pietikäinen M (2006) Color cue in facial image analysis. In: R. Lukac & K. Plataniotis (eds) Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications, CRC Press, CRC Press, 285-308
- A Othmani, AR Taleb, H Abdelkawy, A Hadid, Age estimation from faces using deep learning: A comparative analysis, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 102961, 2020
- Djamila Romaissa Beddiar, Abdenour Hadid, Vision-based human activity recognition: a survey, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020
- M Tavakolian, A Hadid, A Spatiotemporal Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Pain Intensity Estimation from Facial Dynamics, International Journal of Computer Vision, 1-13, 2019
- Jerome Thevenot; Miguel Bordallo López; Abdenour Hadid, A Survey on Computer Vision for Assistive Medical Diagnosis from Faces, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2017
- Boulkenafet Z, Komulainen J & Hadid A Face Spoofing Detection Using Colour Texture Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2016, 1818 - 1830, Volume:11, Issue:8, 2016
- Hadid A, Evans N, Marcel S & Fierrez J, Biometrics systems under spoofing attack: an evaluation methodology and lessons learned. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 32(5):20-30, 2015
- Laiadi, A Ouamane, A Benakcha, A Taleb-Ahmed, A Hadid, Tensor cross-view quadratic discriminant analysis for kinship verification in the wild, Neurocomputing 377, 286-300, 2019
- WC De Melo, E Granger, A Hadid, Depression detection based on Deep Distribution Learning, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP’2019
- Best 5 years impact paper award at CVPR workshop on Biometrics, 2019
- Best presentation award at ICSIP 2018 conference
- BTAS2016 Five Year Highest Impact Award
- Best paper award at IPTA'16 for the paper titled 'Unsupervised deep hashing for large-scale visual search'
- Recent paper (Face anti-spoofing based on color texture analysis) selected among Top 10% papers of ICIP 2015
- Recipient of the 100-Talent Program (International Professors) of Shaanxi Province, China
- WP leader in an EU FP7 project which has been selected as a Success Story of the European Commission
- Jan Koenderink Prize for fundamental contributions in computer vision at ECCV 2014
- Premium Award from The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) for the article “Face spoofing detection from single images using texture and local shape analysis” published in IET Biometrics journal in 2012
- 2020: Invited talk at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2020: Invited talk at University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
- 2019: Keynote talk at CVPR workshop on spoofing, California, USA
- 2018: Keynote talk at SSD2018 conference in Sfax, Tunisia
- 2018: Invited talk at University of Valenciennes, France
- 2018: Keynote talk at ICMLC 2018 conference in Chengdu, China
- 2017: Invited talk at University of Aarhus, Denmark
- 2017: Tutorial at 2017 IEEE SPS Summer School on Visual Image Search and Visual Analytics (VISVA), Singapore
- 2016: Invited talk at University of Montpelier, France
- 2018: Examiner in a PhD defense at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- 2014: Examiner in a PhD defense at Multimedia University, Malaysia
- 2014: Examiner & opponent in a PhD defense at Eurecom institute, France
- 2014: Examiner & opponent in a PhD defense of Mr. Gustaf Kylberg at Uppsala University, Sweden
- 2013: Examiner & opponent in a PhD defense at Eurecom institute, France
- 2012: Examiner & opponent in a PhD defense at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
- 2011: Examiner & opponent in a PhD defense at Eurecom institute, France
- 2011: Examiner & opponent in a PhD defense at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2019: External expert-reviewer for Estonian Research Foundation
- 2017: External expert-reviewer for the French National Research Agency (ANR)
- 2017: Co-organizer of 2nd International Workshop on Biometrics in the Wild (B‐wild 2017)
- 2017: Gest Editor of IET Biometrics special issue on Face Recognition and Spoofing Attacks
- 2017: Guest Editor of the Image and Vision Computing Special Issue on Biometrics in the Wild
- 2017: Chairman of the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland
- 2016: IEEE Senior Member & Member of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR)
- 2016: Main Organizer of IPTA2016 in Finland and co-organizer of IPTA2017 in Canada, IPTA2018 in China
- 2016: Area Chair in many international conferences e.g. ICB 2015, BTAS 2015, EUSIPCO 2015, ICPR 2016 etc.
- 2016: Main organizer of BTAS2016 special session on Spoofing Detection in Real World Applications
- 2015: Guest Editor of Pattern Recognition Journal Special issue on Soft biometrics
- 2014: Main organizer of ECCV2014 workshops on “Soft Biometrics” & “Computer Vision using LBP Variants”
- 2014: Co-Chair of Invited Speakers and Tutorials at IPTA 2014 Conference
- 2013: Consultant for Uniqul- World's first face recognition payment system startup,
- 2013: Vice-chair of WG3 of European COST Action IC1106 on “Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age”
- 2013: Editorial Board Members of EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
- 2012: Main organizer of the first International workshop on LBP which was held in South Korea
- 2000: Reviewer for main journals in computer vision and pattern recognition including TPAMI, PR, PRL, IVC, TIP, CVIU, TCSVT, IJCV, TKDE, TIFS, PAA, IJPRAI, IET
- IEEE senior member