Ramadan Talks – What’s the economic impact of Ramadan on MENA region?

Tuesday 19 April 2022
at 5:00pm


Join us for the talk by Dr Salem Boubakri to learn more about the economic impact of Ramadan on MENA region.

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Hijri calendar, has a significant economic impact on the MENA region. It is characterised by a change in household consumption habits compared to other months of the year. Ramadan is also characterised by an increase in consumer prices, especially those of food products. It is also a golden opportunity for marketing products. Ramadan brings significant changes in the pace of economic activity. However, the real effects on the economy are mixed: some sectors are thriving while others are slowing down.

The objective of this talk is to discuss the impact of Ramadan on economic activity such as household spending, consumer prices and productivity, and to make a comparative analysis between countries of the MENA region.

Know more about Salem Boubakri

Associate Professor of Economics in the Law and Economics Department at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi since 2013. He received a PhD in Economics from the University of Paris Nanterre in France. He has published on a wide range of topics including monetary policy, exchange rate regime, asset management risk and energy markets.

Event registration and attendance is free of charge, upon registering a link to access this online Ramadan talk will be emailed to you.

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